Woodfarm Educational Trust

The Woodfarm Educational Trust (W.E.T.) is a registered Scottish charitable company based in East Renfrewshire. The Trust manages the Woodfarm Education Centre (former Woodfarm Sports Centre, 1 Burns Grove, Giffnock, Glasgow G46 7HF), which is the first facility serving the educational, religious, cultural and social needs of East Renfrewshire’s Muslim community in its 40+ year history. The objects of the W.E.C. are two-fold:

  • To advance education, culture, heritage and religion for the public benefit among the residents of East Renfrewshire, particularly the Minority Ethnic Muslim Community.
  • To promote religious and racial harmony for the public benefit among the residents of East Renfrewshire.

WEC endeavors to achieve its aims and objectives by providing a range of activities and services, including:

  • religious and spiritual
  • education and training
  • social welfare
  • culture and heritage
  • economic regeneration.

WEC User Update: Download Al-Masajid App

Download Al-Masajid App using App/Play Store links or QR codes below for daily WEC prayer times, live Salah, talk transmissions, and updates on WEC classes, events and booking of new WEC Community Hall.

WEC Main Jumuah (Summer) 1:30 pm
WEC Local School Jumuah
(Summer) throughout year
3:15 pm
WEC Main Jumuah (Winter) 1:00 pm
WEC Local School Jumuah
(Winter) throughout year
12:30 pm
Listen Live Listen Live Qibla Finder
Qibla Finder

Build your Aakhirat and strengthen our future generations - Donate on-line (via PayPal) and invest your share in this sadaqah jariya (continuous charity) work run by volunteers

or you can also send a Text to 70070 and write WECG12 £10 in the text field to donate to the charitable Woodfarm Educational Trust and make a difference today - remember, every little helps inShaAllah!

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